Satu teknik dalam further pure yang baru aku belajar tadi. Sedikit sebanyak dapat mengurangkan pembaziran masa jika soalan sebegini keluar dalam paper Mei June 08.
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d/dx [x(1 + x³)^-n]= -(3n-1)(1 + x³)^-n + 3n(1 + x³)^-n-1
Kita selalu sangkut sampai sini
d/dx[x(1 + x³)^-n] = -3nx³(1 + x³)^-n-1 + (1 + x³)^-n
Xperlu buat partial fraction
Aku dah
One...the loneliest number?
When it comes to the SAT, "one" is not the loneliest number. Truth be told, the number one seems to be everywhere on the SAT. It's a good friend of exponents and an even better friend of fractions. Considering its popularity, let's take a look at the "must knows" about the number one!
- One multiplied by any number is that number
- Any number divided by one is itself
- One raised to any power is one
- Any number raised to the first power is itself
- One is not a prime number
- One is greater than any fraction that is not a mixed fraction or an improper fraction
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